Music Player
Pablo! joins your voice channel and grabs music from multiple sources below.
Pablo! joins your voice channel and grabs music from multiple sources below.
Track your statistics and grab information from video games that are listed below.
If you have more games you would like to request adding to the bot, contact the dev.
Moderate and clean up your server using these tools that are coded to help.
By using Discord's new features, you can create better role messages instead of using reactions.
Make the voice channels more fun by using Discord's new activities below.
Use these tools to help your users keep in track of your streams or anyone elses.
Grab useful information that are all Minecraft-related.
Get Player Statistics from the Hypixel Network.
If you have more statistics you want the bot to track, contact the dev.
Grab all Pokémon information from Generation I to VIII.
Keep up-to-date with the COVID-19 cases. Data is provided by and
Grab any users profile assets with Discord's new context menu.
If you want to have more features added to the bot, you can contact the dev for more information.